HÓK, J. & OLŠAVSKÝ, M., 2023: Vernaricum ‒ regional distribution, lithostratigraphy, tectonics and paleogeography. Mineralia Slovaca, 55, 1, 3 – 12.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56623/ms.2023.55.1.1

Abstract: The Vernaricum is the highest partial unit belonging to the Hronic nappe system of the Internal Western Carpathians. The stratigraphic range of the Vernaricum sediments is from the Lower Triassic to the Lower Jurassic. The Permian rhyolites and volcaniclastics are tectonically incorporated into the Lower Triassic sediments. The Vernaricum overlies tectonic units of the Northern Veporicum, Fatricum, lower partial nappes of Hronicum and Southern Veporicum. The Gemeric, Meliatic and Silicic rock complexes are located in the tectonic overburden. The paleogeographic position of the Vernaricum is interpreted between the Veporic and Gemeric zones.

Key words: Internal Western Carpathians, Vernaricum, Hronicum, Veporicum, Gemericum