
The Central Geological Library (CGL) is an information center and specialized library with nationwide scope, focusing on geology and other geoscience disciplines. It is a coordinating, methodical and consulting workplace for the libraries of the regional centers of the SGIDŠ.

Library services

  1. Loan services
  • Absentee – only for SGIDŠ employees (borrowing documents outside the library premises).
  • Attendance – study of library documents in the library premises.
  1. Interlibrary services

The interlibrary loan service is used to obtain those documents or their parts that are not in our fund or in the funds of Bratislava libraries. The user can request to borrow a document from another library’s collection.

  1. Search services

SGIDŠ provides elaboration of background research from its own and external sources.

  1. Consulting and advisory services
  2. Reprographic services

Digital archive

In the digital archive, which also includes the library, 11,416 objects have been digitized (as of February 1, 2021). It contains documents published by SGIDŠ, namely monographs, atlases, dictionaries and a part of historical books. It also contains professional articles from periodicals and proceedings.

List of periodicals accessible in the Digital Archive of the SGIDŠ:

  • Geological works,
  • Slovak Geological Magazine,
  • Mineralia Slovaca,
  • Non-renewable resources,
  • Regional geology of the Western Carpathians,
  • Western Carpathians.

Since 2018, the library’s map fund has also been made available to the public. It contains approximately 7,000 digitized map sheets not only from the territory of the Slovak Republic, but from the entire world. The search result is bibliographic information about the map document as well as previews. The originals of the map fund, stored in marked safes, can be studied in the library.

You can access the digital archive anonymously, or as a registered researcher.

Useful links

  1. Guide to the world of scientific publishing
  2. Remote access to e-resources:
  3. Slovak Geological Society – yearbooks
  4. Slovak Academy of Sciences – scientific journals and yearbooks
  5. Directory of open access books: DOAB
  6. Directory of open access journals: DOAJ
  7. List of scientific and professional journals of Slovak provenance with open access:
  8. Geoscience e-Journals – 60 freely accessible geoscience titles and journals:
  9. How to find out if the magazine is part of Current Contents Connect? On this page, after entering the ISSN or the name of the journal, it can be found out:
  10. Evaluation of periodicals: Scimago Journal & Country Rank
  11. Infogate – book database:


State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr

Mlynská dolina 1, 817 04 Bratislava

E-mail: kniznica[at]

Mgr. Katarína Koblišková
Head of the library
Phone: +421-2-59 375 422
E-mail: katarina.kobliskova[at]

Zuzana Sabová
Phone: +421-2-59 375 151
E-mail: zuzana.sabova[at]

Markéta Kopčeková
Phone: +421-2-59 375 151