Pursuant to § 13 of Act no. 569/2007 Coll. on geological works (geological law), as amended, the contractor shall notify the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (SGIDŠ) of each geological work defined in the geological law no later than on the day of initiation of the geological task. All announced geological works are registered and stored in the information system managed by SGIDŠ.
According to the geological law, it is possible to report the relevant works electronically using the application.
According to the geological law, it is possible to report the relevant works electronically using the application. After completing the required actions, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing the registration number, which appears on the cover page of the final report. The email includes a completed form with a map attachment in pdf format.
The form for reporting geological works contains the following items:
– name and registered office of the contractor of geological works, name and registered office of the customer,
– name and address of the customer of geological works,
– number, name and purpose of the geological task,
– goal of the geological task,
– definition of geological works and the stage of geological survey,
– specification, number and extent of geological works,
– name and code of cadastral territory and district,
– start and end date, sources of funding for geological works,
– information about the person who completed the form.