Sustainability of projects of the Department of Geology and Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic concerning the exploration and rehabilitation of environmental loads solved in the period 2012-2015.

Monitoring of water quality in monitoring objects as required by the geology and natural resources section. Principal investigator: I. Slaninka, I. Štyriaková Completion date of the task / project: 31.12.2020 Form of output: Monitoring Plan, Annual Report

OPIS / Improvement and completion of the system of digitization of cultural, scientific and intellectual heritage and accessibility of the digital content of Geofond and the Central Geological Library of the Slovak Republic

Sustainability of the project under the non-repayable financial contribution No. MK-07/2013-SORK. Principal investigator: Š. Káčer Completion date of the task / project: 30.6.2020 Form of output: Monitoring Plan, Annual Report

Monitoring of slope deformations

20 major socio-economical sites are proposed for monitoring, applying the IoT technology. Monitoring is an important element for early identification of environmental changes that may in some cases trigger extraordinary events with extensive economic implications. Predicting these events and timely preventive measures are an economically more advantageous form of solution than the subsequent removal of…

Work of the ŠGÚDŠ Publishers and Promotion

Publishing of the journals Mineralia Slovaca, Geological Magazine (published in English), Geological Works, News, Monographs, Occasional Publications (the ŠGÚDŠ Annual Report – Slovak and English versions, the Yearbook of Mineral Resources . Slovak-English versions, Conference Proceedings); reprints of the maps. Editorial processing, technical and graphic editing, preparation for printing. Promotion and education activities. Principal investigator: L.…

General Meeting of EuroGeoSurveys Directors (European Geological Surveys)

In 2018, according to the decision and mandate of the EGS Executive Committee, the State Geological Institute of Dionýza Štúr will be honored to hold an international meeting of Directors and National Delegates of Geological Services of Europe and Geological associations of America (USGS), Africa, Asia, China and Japan. Principal investigator: B. Žec, A.Klukanová Completion date of…

MINATURA – Developing a concept for a European minerals deposit framework

The task is coordinated by the MinPol – Agency for International Minerals Policy, Austria. The aim of the project is to (1) define the Mineral Deposits of Public Importance (MDoPI) at local, national and EU-wide level, and (2) EU-wide harmonization of raw materials legislation with implementation in individual EU countries. Principal investigator: Z. Németh Completion date…