21st Slovak – Czech – Polish Paleontological Conference
Dear colleagues and friends, Due to the persisting and tightening restrictions in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in the Slovak…
Dear colleagues and friends, Due to the persisting and tightening restrictions in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in the Slovak…
The State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr in Bratislava has the honor of organizing the 21st Slovak – Czech –…
The State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr in Bratislava has the honor of organizing the 21st Slovak – Czech –…
In the days of 12th April – 13th April 2018 the General Director of State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur…
Discover complex geological map of Slovakia on the scale of 1 : 50 000
V dňoch 20. – 24. septembra 2021 sa uskutoční Medzinárodná konferencia RemTech Europe zameraná na technológie v oblasti sanácií. Táto dôležitá…
Dňa 30. 7. 2019 vo veku 97 rokov nás opustil náš bývalý riaditeľ RNDr. Oto Fusán, DrSc., významná osobnosť slovenskej…
On 22 – 23 November 2017, the first working meeting of experts from the Central European Geological Surveys of Slovenia,…
1.6.2018 – 31.5.2021 Project co-funded by the European Union ERDF Contribution: 1201583,24 IPA Contribution: 192418,75 ENI Contribution: 92777,5 Overall Budget…
On 11-14 April 2018, the CONECO – RACIOENERGIA – WATER Fair was held in Bratislava. Our Institute was represented at…
V sobotu 21. 8. 2021 sme sa zúčastnili na podujatí Pezinský permoník. Laickej verejnosti sme predstavili časť činnosti nášho ústavu pomocou…