About project

Project framework:

Operational Programme Research and Development

Duration of the project: 05/2010 – 04/2014

Beneficiary: State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr

Project is co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Research and Development Operational Programme

Strategic goal:

Evaluate groundwater quality deterioration risks and elaborate proposals of protection measures towards sustainable water utilisation in Bratislava district

Specific project goals:
1. Create a methodology of groundwater vulnerability assessment based on physical processes of pollution mitigation
2. Develop a database of physical properties of soils, rocks and groundwater
3. Create maps of groundwater vulnerability and anthropogenic load-carrying capacity

Validation of results:
1. Tritium content
2. Nitrates content
3. Field tracing experiments

Project outputs:
1. Interoperable spatial database
2. Web portal with interactive maps
3. Proposition of protective measures and land use limits to avoid future deterioration of groundwater quality

Site last updated on: 30/06/2021
Implementation: Simply Design | Creating web, shop