Author Archives: admin

Final report

Projekt Geohealth was successfully implemented by 31.08.2017.

Final report for download: LIFE10 ENV SK 086_final_report2016

Selected annexes for download:


Final monographs of the project

Final monographs of the project Geohealth were printed in two versions including Slovak and English language.


Evaluation of the impact of geological environment on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic- Soils

Aktivita A5: Environmentálna analýza

PhD thesis on the impact of geological environment of the Slovak Republic – Soils is now available for download (only in Slovak):

Impact of macroelements on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic


Layman´s report

Layman´s report about the project GEOHEALTH is now available for download: Layman report_EN_web


International conference ISEH2016, ISEG2016 and Geoinformatics 2016, Galway, Ireland

In 14th  – 18th August 2016 the members of project team have actively participated in the international  ISEH2016, ISEG2016 and Geoinformatics 2016 conference and presented results of the project.


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